Damien Hirst interview

Salman Siddiqui interviewed British artist Damien Hirst in October 2013 in Doha, Qatar, when he was visiting to launch his art exhibition. Following is an excerpt of that interview published by Gulf Times. Damien Hirst is widely regarded as one of the world’s most successful contemporary artists, who has created some of the most seminal works in recent art history. Emerging from the Young British Artist movement that originated in London in the late 1980s, he was part of a group which became renowned for their audacious and often shocking works, receiving international acclaim and succeeding in revitalising the British art scene. Interestingly, his recent works such as the ‘Miraculous Journey’, a group of 14 bronze sculptures, that was recently unveiled in Doha, are being interpreted in religious terms, and some say it depicted the miracle of birth as explained in the holy books. When asked whether he felt comfortable with such religious interpretations of his artwork, ...