In service of Karachi's dead
By Salman Siddiqui A father and son duo who work as post mortem specialists recall Karachi’s violent history which they have together literally dissected over the last 50 years. Saleem Karachi: When Saleem digs in his blade into a gunshot victim, his hand doesn’t shiver. He says he blocks out all his thoughts so that he can focus on his mission to retrieve the bullet, which according to instructions handed out to him, he must at all costs. As the on going violence in the city spirals out of control, there are people like Saleem, whose workload literally increase with the death toll of the day. Working at the mortuary as an attendant for the last 16 years, his job is to preserve the evidence of injuries to the victims no matter what the nature of incident might be. It could be poisoning, accident, homicide or bomb blast case. But whenever a body turns up on his table, he must work like a robot. Although illiterate, he will tell you the names of each bone and organ in...